The Answer to our Prayers
*Public Apology: I would like to apologize to my ex-husband, Michael's dad, Brian Rico, for sending out the story of my homeschooling/school dilemma prior to letting him know what was going on. I should have called him first, then blogged. Well, you live and learn. All is well now. :-)
So, on with the conclusion to what is going on with my Michael, with school, and with my job. It is just proof the God really does work in mysterious ways.
1. Meeting with Creative Arts Academy director went very well. Michael will be enrolled as of August 30th.
2. Interesting turn--I will find out tomorrow officially, but it looks like I will be Michael's teacher anyways. Assuming the school meets their enrollment count, I will be teaching 3rd & 4th grades dually.
3. Still homeschooling anyway- does this ever really stop? Michael and I had a science day yesterday at the Georgia Aquarium, which by the way, is the best Aquarium on the planet-hands down. I have been to many- (including Baltimore, Houston, San Diego and a few others) but this is the first one where you can set up a personal "behind the scenes" session with the trainers and actually swim with the Beluga whales and dolphins. Those who know me- know that I of course, have set this up for Michael, Matthew and myself. I am very excited!!
This post was short, but wanted to "follow up" with my last posting. I think I am going to divulge a bit into the food, wine and health area a bit later today. Keep an eye out!!
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