Saturday, August 4, 2012

Savannah Delights, Part II

Savannah's finest porches, trees, and cobble stone walkways take you back in time--

Everywhere Matthew and I looked on day 2 took us back into a different era. Honestly, not too much is modernized. Given this is the home of SCAD, (Savannah's Creative Art & Design School, Savannah's University students and the residents of Savannah take pride in preserving the history here.

The photo to the left was a brief shot taken from one of the many trolley rides my husband and I decided to take. I couldn't take pics fast enough though; so my suggestion is this:

1) Buy a full day ticket and take the trolley ride on from beginning to end. They give tremendous military discounts, FYI. But even if you are not military, it is very worth it! You can hop on and off all day, they have room for strollers, etc....The guides are not only knowledgeable, they are usually pretty funny. So you get comedy and a history lesson while they drive. Nice.

2) Make notes of where you might like to return on your guide map-- because later, you can either hop back on the trolley to get back to those places, or, you can walk there. This city isn't labeled "the most walking city" for nothing. The square and block design is still intact and they are small blocks. Not only that, walking keeps you healthy. But I will save my "staying fit and healthy" lecture for later.

3) When you are walking back to certain destinations of homes you just have to see again--and there are many....these are the types of things you get to see!!

So why wouldn't you want to take your time viewing these amazing homes, parks,  and squares of history?

When you are doing all this walking in this humid weather, I will say, you will gain an appetite and probably become a bit parched. Please follow these steps for a successful and filling lunch:

1. Go to City Market Square, and find the grill that has Marilyn Monroe waiting in front for you.

2. Ask for a table outside--you can hear the music of city square and get to see all the happenings of people walking back and forth.

3. You must order their pizza. It doesn't matter which one you get. The pizza is AMAZING. In addition, get the Peach Sangria's to quench your thirst with a "kick." You haven't truly experienced Georgia until you have some peaches, so why not have it in a tasty drink that comes in a mason jar?

4. Sit back, relax, drink, eat, and be merry. Really. This is the only way you can have a successful lunch in Savannah.

Well, this about covers part II of Savannah's delights. I am stopping at lunchtime. Tune in tommorow for antique shopping, waterway stories, and the darker side of Savannah--their ghosts.

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