Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Once Upon a Time....

In a far away land, Sheri, (AKA: Anne Michaels-my pen name) was tagged by an author’s blog tour. Each author who is tagged has the privilege of answering 10 questions about their current work-in-progress. I am honored to have been tagged by Allison Silver. You can see the link to Allison's blog at the end of this post or you can click her name, but only after you have finished reading my post! I've tagged another author, Jacquelyn Jaie Fourgerel, who will hopefully post her blog on or about October 30, 2012. (Her link is also at the end of this post.) After reading about my “Next Big Thing” be sure to check out the other authors to see what their NEXT BIG THING is.

What is the working title of your book?

The Bard Seeker

Where did the idea for the book come from?

While traveling in Ireland in 2007, I attended a creative writers workshop for 10 days. My inspiration came from castles, green pastures, quiet noise, and lovely people.

What genre does your book fall under?

Realistic Fiction, Adult Drama, Romance and Mystery

What actors would you choose to portray your characters in a movie rendition?

Umm, love this question! I would choose Sean Connery as the wise grandfather, "Earl," and Sandra Bullock  as "Aimiee Cassady," the thirty-something, soon to be divorced, single mother.

What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?

Aimiee leaves a violent marriage behind ready to call it quits in life, but enters into a mysterious and frightening weave of lies and deceit as she blindly enters into yet another damaging relationship; but all hope not lost, she comes face to face with a persnickety but wise grandfather in Celtic country, meets the man of her dreams whom she keeps at bay for some reason, and ultimately, finds a way to be truly free.

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I'm leaning toward traditional publishing as I have already gone the self-publishing route with my children's book. Maybe this book will be a blessing in disguise!

How long did it take you to write the first-draft of your manuscript?

I'm still working on it and have been on and off for the past 5 years. It has been long, (trust me) but I am now inspired to finish it finally.

What other books would you compare to your story within the genre?

I would say Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood meets Sleeping with the Enemy meets The Notebook in Ireland.

Who or What inspired you to write this book?
Well, many things and many people I really need to leave un-named. The funny thing about realistic fiction is sometimes the story lines might not be too far off the beaten path.

I was inspired in Ireland, but continued writing after meeting certain individuals in my life. I am now, ever inspired to finish the book and get it out there. :-)

What else about your book my pique your readers' interests?

Aimiee is a woman who lets her emotions run wild, but her heart is genuine and true. When she discovers a web of lies that if unraveled completely, would put herself and her child in danger, she learns to play life safely, until the moment she can turn misfortune into freedom. 

I was tagged by Allison Silver

I have tagged Jacquelyn Jaie Fourgerel

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This is a family style blog...please keep comments at a PG rating! Thank you!