Thursday, August 16, 2012

Spouse's Nose Turned away from Organic?

How to not "split hairs" with your spouse over

 Organic vs. the Junk they love....

So hubby or your significant other isn't on board with the idea of Organic? Hmm, let's ponder this:




I mentioned in yesterday's post that going Organic is expensive. And let's face it, our economic climate isn't great these days, right? My husband walks around like a balloon about to pop when he sees that I am willing to spend $2.99 per pound of Organic Apples vs. $1.99 for non-organic apples. This is just one example, but a good one. Keep in mind that I could do this for everything--don't get me started on meat or eggs either; that will have to be left for another day.


Rebuttal for spouse:


Click this link to see the list of lovely things you are eating on top of the chemically grown fruit you and your children are eating. Show this list to your spouse. (This list is from crops in Virginia, however, most all non-organic crops utilize these same chemicals.) 


Organic may not look shiny, nor as big. But, what is that saying? Bigger isn't always better? This is because there are not added crap to make them look better. I don't need an apple that looks like it is on Viagra. Here is another consideration: if the chemicals added to fruit makes them bigger, what do you think these chemicals are doing to you over time? Hmmmm.


When I showed this to hubby, you can see the wheels turning. He knows I am right but won't admit it, and I am ok with that. With stubbornness being second nature for him, I can accept it. But I do wave a personal victory flag inside my head the next time we are at the grocery store and he is picking out the best organic apples he can find. Just sayin. :-)


Rebuttal for people who say, "I've been eating this way for years....":


Ok, that is fine. You are fine now. And maybe you will be fine until the day you die. I am not here to convince you to change the way you want to live or eat. But, for me, this is what I choose. Leave it at that, and move on. Like this blog, I can only share what works for me and why I believe it works. Ultimately, I am more aware of what I put inside my body and what choices I make and how they will affect me. The rest is up to you.


How to slowly introduce the cost and health factor:

*Buy organic for just you first. As you begin to change your own eating habits, your spouse will notice--trust me. The grocery bill will then only increase a little bit. I did this in the beginning and made my meals differently for a month or two. When weight begins to drop off, your energy is increased, you are looking and feeling great---curiosity from others in the household will take hold. Trust me.


*Begin eliminating some of the junk food you buy by one item a week. For instance, if your spouse and kids have a variety of junk food to choose from, like Fruit roll ups, Cheese Nips, Doritos, and Cookies. Eliminate the Cheese Nips that week and replace it with watermelon or strawberries (organic of course). The following week, eliminate the fruit roll ups and replace it with another fruit or celery sticks. Keep going with that each week until you are replacing the junk with just fruit and veggies. If they are truly hungry, they will eat what is available. Plus, the money you were using on the junk food can go towards organic stuff.


*Cook dinner and eat together. Make dinner the healthiest and tastiest ever. Use the crock pot. Seriously. Follow me on my Food & Wine pinterest board (see link on the right sidebar) for some awesome crock pot websites with tons, tons, tons of healthy options. But here is a site to get you started:


Plus it helps with budgeting and easy meal planning. Let Sundays after church be days where you are cutting, dicing and preparing the week's meals and snacks. Also, cut up and clean fruit immediately upon bringing it home. If it is cut up and washed, it will get eaten faster because it looks so darn good.

* Use all organic ingredients regardless of what recipes you find.

Soon, you will find that your spouse is eating healthy without really noticing.

*The kicker: Always, always, after a good meal where all members are happy with what you created, say, "Everything was organic. Just sayin." Smile, and leave it at that.


What about the stuff they just wont give up?

My husband loves soda. Most all varieties, but especially Coke Zero. It could be worse, he could be a constant beer drinker, so I feel I have lucked out. But knowing he is drinking Splenda induced drinks every single day, well, it is disheartening. Some things you have to just shrug your shoulders with. This is one of those things. Just let them continue with it, but don't nag or badger about it. They will give it up if they feel the need.


What about the reward days, indulge days, parties, outings, do you stay  Organic then?

Like anything, moderation. As I said yesterday, I do indulge on my wine, my beer, a sangria here or there, a brownie, a cookie, Mexican food, Italian food, etc....

Dependent on my choices and what I am willing to have, I will make that choice moderately. I have not gone completely "balls to the wall" organic. (Funny sentence if you think about it).  It is almost impossible to do this if you want to live normally. However, I will say, there are now more options than ever to stay organic and healthy with reward days. But I will get to that post another time, because first, you have some work to do.


Start clearing out the junk in your pantry!!!









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