Sunday, August 19, 2012

(HOOP, Part 1) Home Office Organization Project & Alec Rico's Inspiration!!

Before Pic: Day #1, "The Idea"

"(HOOP, Part 1)"

What you are about to witness is a transformation. This is my side of our Home Office. I won't show a pic of Matthew's side because it won't transform. With his investigative, OCD minded ways, his side is perfect and already organized. I am fairly certain from day 2 it was perfectly organized. But me.....well...this is going to be a challenge.

Anyone who really knows me can attest to the fact that organization for me is more like "organized kaos." It usually means pretty bins, baskets or neat stacks and piles of stuff. I am now vowing, as of today, to change my kaotic ways. I continue to pin ideas on Pinterest on home organization and yet I know my husband must think I spend more time pinning than I do organizing. This is likely the truth. Since we just moved to Atlanta and I am trying to get everything organized and situated, there are a couple of things I have done to help me in my endeavours. If you want to join me, you are certainly welcome!

1. I am following a blog called "A Bowl full of Lemons," ( and on Sept. 1, 2012 she is beginning a 14 week course on organizing your entire home. Now I have never met the woman who writes this blog, but I have to tell you, not only is her blog amazing, but her new home and her organization skills is everything I strive for. Check it out if you so desire. I highly, highly recommend it.

2. Alec Rico's Sign Inspiration: I had to tie my son's story in with my HOOP project because his sign is what has inspired me. This is why...
My son, Alec Rico, made the sign you see above my desk for me for mother's day when he was 12 years old when we were living in Hawaii. The story is funny because Matthew was away at Army training during that time and Alec didn't have anyone to take him to the store to buy me a gift for Mother's Day. When I went to run some errands one day, I came home to find that my son had utilized some 2x4's, a knife and paint to create the sign from the garage. (The 2x4's actually came from the crate that holds Matthew's big Plasma TV---Alec didn't know this at the time....Oops!!). Not only that, Alec nailed the sign to my living room wall, right above the couch. Alec said to me, "Now you can see it everyday and know how much I love you." It touched my heart so much and I have loved seeing it everyday. I added some paper clips to the top of it with a hot glue gun so that I could put pics of my kiddos on top of it and I screwed two hook screws into the bottom so that I could hang my calender. I think I did well with this, don't you?
When I went to hang this today, along with my calender, I felt inspired and motivated to get into organization mode. Go figure!!

3. I have a habit of buying pretty boxes, bins, and baskets from Michael's Craft Store when they are on clearance or on sale. I have to be honest though, I haven't been utilizing them very well. I plan on rectifying this very soon. However, if you look carefully, you can see them on my shelving unit. Over the course of my HOOP posts, you will get a chance to see my HOOP grow and become useful.

4. My desk. I just cleared it off with the exception of my lamp, my laptop and my french Victorian cup which holds my pens, scissors and pencils. This was a big step. However, all I did was move the piles of organized stuff to the floor in front of my shelves if you look carefully enough in the picture. I am turning to "A Bowl full of Lemons," to help me.

5. I am blogging about this project to keep me accountable to my goal of creating the perfect Home Office- for me. For the 5 or 6 people who read my blog, I at least will know I have to update them. :-)

So wish me luck! Here I go!!


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