What does it take to find Comfort?
My picture above is one of those pics I would pin onto Pinterest, isn't it beautiful? It is of a villa in Tuscany. When I look at it, I immediately feel peaceful. I am able to transport myself to the porch, curling up with a great book (or my Ipad), with a cup of hot tea by my side. I could do this with a few places throughout the world, but since I have yet to go to Tuscany, but very much want to, I chose this scene as my serene setting.
Why did I do this you ask and why am I writing about it today? Well, since my 40th birthday this past July, a lot has happened. But, isn't that the way life goes? Things happen. Both happy and sad things happen to everyone.
Someone wise out there once said, "It's how you handle the things that are thrown at you that matters." When the sad things happen, I tend to be one of those people who can handle things very well outwardly to others--a smile will be on my face, I can force a chipper tone in my voice, and I can feign a happy outlook on my Facebook status or even in my blog. But, my husband at home will know differently. He will see the true, in depth, emotions; whether it is anger, bitterness, sadness, or everything in between, between my husband and God, they are whom see it all, and typically, know the reasons why.
Some people might say my outward outlook might then not be everything its cracked up to be, but isn't this how everyone really is for the most part? We all are just choosing to keep certain aspects or feelings to ourselves. I process a bit differently sometimes. I am not afraid to ask for help. I might confide to one of my dearest friends, or my mother, whom I know will be discreet and completely non judging; regardless of who I might turn to, I go to my happy place (like the pic above) and I pray to God to give me guidance.
This is what gives me comfort. I know there are so many people out there that do not believe in God or in his son and our savior, Jesus Christ. I never have been the type of girl to preach, as it's just not me. I also don't judge, because it's not my place. If you don't believe in something, then I do hope you find something to believe in that will give you comfort.
For me, finding comfort is in finding the happy place like my picture, praying to God, surrounding myself with support from people I can count on, and knowing that all will fall into place.
Last week, I asked for prayers on Facebook because my heart was definitely troubled and very heavy with sadness. Not like a hopeless, depressed type of sadness, more like a surprised, disappointed, angry and discouraged type of sadness. Without divulging the reasons why, I reached out. Being in a new place, adjusting to life without my support system that was built in Oregon with family and friends, I was feeling out of my comfort zone. But, I felt the prayers working.
Although it will take a considerable amount of time for my heart to feel whole again, I thank those who prayed for me and thank God for his incredible amount of patience, guidance, and love for me.
So what do you do? What does it take for you to find your comfort?
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